1,346 research outputs found

    From an object-oriented approach to the financial reporting : an open architecture

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    This paper developed an Object-Oriented (O-O) approach as an open architecture for financial reporting that is based on the notation Unified Modelling Language (UML) and the Rational Rose® tool. The O-O approach integrated into the financial reporting has interoperable building financial statements that must be available to be included in any economic and financial analysis of a corporation. The implementation of an open architecture for developing financial reporting is supported by the systems analyst work that observes and understands the general domain of financial reporting, as well as, input from the specialists, directors and stakeholders of the corporation. Then, with reference to the Portuguese experience, the research scope is towards a basic structure of financial reporting whose results are applicable to any corporation. The further implication of the architecture for the financial reporting is to built a prototype to answer the market needs.Este artículo desarrolló un enfoque orientado a objetos (O-O en inglés) como una arquitectura abierta para informes financieros, que está basado en la notación Lenguaje Unificado Modelado (LUM), y la herramienta Rational Rose. El enfoque orientado a objetos integrado en los informes financieros tiene estados financieros interoperables del edificio, que debe ser accesible para ser incluido en cualquier análisis económico y financiero de una corporación. La implementación de una arquitectura abierta para el desarrollo de la información financiera es apoyada por el trabajo de los analistas de sistemas, que observa y entiende el campo general tanto de informes financieros como la contribución de los especialistas, directores e inversores de la corporación. Entonces, refiriéndose a la experiencia portuguesa, el ámbito de la investigación se orienta hacia una estructura básica de informes financieros, cuyos resultados son aplicables a cualquier corporación. La implicación adicional de la arquitectura de los informes financieros es construir un prototipo para responder las necesidades del mercado

    Approach to Include Sustainability and Creativity in Requirements Engineering

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    Silveira, C., Santos, V., Reis, L., & Mamede, H. (2022). CRESustain: Approach to Include Sustainability and Creativity in Requirements Engineering. Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences, 1(8), 27-34. https://doi.org/10.55708/js0108004, https://doi.org/10.55708/js0108Requirements Engineering is an evolving field facing new challenges. One of the central conundrums is sustainability in software. The possibility of using known creativity techniques while introducing the dimensions of sustainability to help provide unexpected, original, practical, and sustainable answers in software development is challenging and motivating. This paper proposes an approach, CRESustain, incorporating sustainability dimensions when introducing creativity techniques in the Requirements Engineering process. CRESustain uses various creativity techniques considered appropriate for the different stages of the RE process. It is inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals, creative problem-solving methods, and the Karlskrona Manifesto. The methodology applied to give materiality to the outcome of this work was Design Science Research, a research paradigm that uses knowledge to solve problems, generate new knowledge and insights, and results in an artefact. The main results indicate that the approach stimulates discussion about sustainability in technical, economic, social, human, and environmental dimensions focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals and people's needs.publishersversionpublishe

    Diabetes Tracker and Volunteer+ Software Engineering for Sustainability

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    In a world where sustainability is increasingly important, we must look for ways to promote it; the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) fulfill this function. In software engineering, one of the main challenges for the success of a software solution is to achieve sustainability. This chapter introduces the development of two mobile applications on Android: Diabetes Tracker and Volunteer+ that are inspired by the SDGs, incorporating the principles and dimensions of the Karlskrona Manifesto in relation to the software development phases. In this investigation, a customized adaptation of the Scrum agile methodology was used, with a concern to promote software engineering for sustainability. To achieve this end, an iterative approach is used, allowing the principles of the manifesto to be crossed to emphasize the various dimensions of sustainability. The main results can be seen in the applications developed, specifically to facilitate the control of the diabetes disease and promote quality health, as well as enhance the participation of citizens by promoting volunteering

    Fundamentos conceituais para abordagens de gestão da inovação em bibliotecas

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    The objective of this study is to highlight the key concepts and approaches to innovation. Identifying characteristics and relevant theoretical frameworks to future studies on innovation in libraries as organization predominantly public and non-profit. The main justification by the recognition of the importance of innovation in libraries and need to theoretical basis for the issue of development in the innovation management occurs predominantly in the manufacturing industry and related products. This is a theoretical essay, qualitative, conceptual and analytical nature. It is hoped the results of this study can contribute to the theoretical basis for the development of future studies on innovation in libraries.El objetivo del estudio es evidenciar los principales conceptos y abordajes sobre innovación para identificar las características y encuadramientos teóricos pertinentes para los estudios sobre innovación en bibliotecas como organizaciones predominantemente públicas y sin fines de lucro. El estudio se justifica por el reconocimiento de la importancia de la innovación en las bibliotecas y por la necesidad de fundamentación teórica para el desarrollo del tema en el ámbito de la gestión de la innovación cuya concentración se da predominantemente en la industria de manufactura y vinculada a los productos. Se trata de un ensayo teórico, de naturaleza cualitativa, conceptual y analítica. Se espera que los resultados de este estudio puedan contribuir en la fundamentação teórica para el desarrollo de estudios futuros sobre la innovación en bibliotecas.O objetivo do estudo é evidenciar os principais conceitos e abordagens sobre inovação para identificar as características e enquadramentos teóricos pertinentes aos estudos sobre inovação em Bibliotecas como organizações predominantemente públicas e sem fins lucrativos. Justifica-se pelo reconhecimento da importância da inovação nas Bibliotecas e pela necessidade de fundamentação teórica para o desenvolvimento do tema no âmbito da gestão da inovação cuja concentração se dá predominantemente na indústria de manufatura e relacionada a produtos. Trata-se de um ensaio teórico, de natureza qualitativa, conceitual e analítica. Espera-se com os resultados deste estudo possam contribuir na fundamentação teórica para o desenvolvimento de estudos futuros sobre a inovação em Bibliotecas

    The case of social organizations

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    Silveira, C., Reis, L., Santos, V., & Mamede, H. S. (2020). Creativity in prototypes design and sustainability: The case of social organizations. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems, 5(6), 1237-1243. https://doi.org/10.25046/AJ0506147The role of creativity techniques in the design of prototypes is of particular interest given its potential for innovation. At same time, despite the efforts of decades in terms of policies and programs of action, humanity has not yet come close to global sustainability. Sustainability design must involve society and creatively employ all available knowledge sources for creating sustainable software. This paper proposes a prototype design approach rooted in employing creativity techniques, while being guided by the dimensions and principles of the Karlskrona Manifesto. This approach is applied to the development of a multidisciplinary aggregator for the optimization of social services. As a result. guidelines for the use of creativity in requirements engineering will be presented, as well as on how to include sustainability issues, namely the Sustainable Development Goals and the five dimensions of sustainability in the design of prototypes.publishersversionpublishe

    Methodology for introducing creativity in requirements engineering

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    The increase of global competitiveness, the ability of organizations to effectively use information technologies, and to focus on innovation and creativity are recognized as being important. In this context, the hypothesis of resorting to known creativity techniques or adaptations to help innovation in the field of Software Engineering appears to be challenging. This paper proposes a methodology for introducing creativity and innovation techniques in the Requirements Engineering process in order to build more agile and efficient Information Systems. The method uses a variety of creative techniques that are thought to be appropriate to the different stages of the process and is inspired by existing creative problem-solving methods and techniques, in particular in the Creative Problem-Solving Process, Productive Thinking Model and the Creative Potentiation Method. The study of the method allowed its application, through the use of various creativity techniques, in a real context in a social institution - the Social Center for Support to the Community of S ão Domingos. The application of the methodology allowed the identification of new opportunities that allowed the organization to devise service delivery strategies that were more suited to the needs of people.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A reference model for artificial intelligence techniques in stimulating reasoning, and cognitive and motor development

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    Artificial Intelligence is increasingly being discussed as something essential and pressing in all aspects and areas of society. Its potential use in education is no exception. Artificial Intelligence, in particular, and technologies, in general, are unavoidable elements to be considered in the teaching-learning process at all levels of education and training. There are many initiatives, essentially exploratory in nature, for the application of Artificial Intelligence in this process. Therefore, it is imperative to understand how they can be used for this purpose and how they relate to pedagogical methods. In the present study, and within this context, we address how Artificial Intelligence can be used in software to support cognitive and motor development and stimulate reasoning. We propose a reference model for techniques for this purpose. Concrete cases of existing applications are presented to better illustrate the potential of Artificial Intelligence in education.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Towards a comprehensive framework for the multidisciplinary evaluation of organizational maturity on business continuity program management: a systematic literature review

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    Organizational dependency on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) drives the preparedness challenge to cope with business process disruptions. Business Continuity Management (BCM) encompasses effective planning to enable business functions to resume to an acceptable state of operation within a defined timeframe. This paper presents a systematic literature review that communicates the strategic guidelines to streamline the organizational processes in the BCM program, culminating in the Business Continuity Plan design, according to the organization’s maturity. The systematic literature review methodology follows the Evidence- Based Software Engineering protocol assisted by the Parsifal tool, using the EbscoHost, ScienceDirect, and Scopus databases, ranging from 2000 to February 2021. International Standards and Frameworks guide the BCM program implementation, however, there is a gap in communicating metrics and what needs to be measured in the BCM program. The major paper result is the confirmation of the identified gap, through the analysis of the studies that, according to the BCM components, report strategic guidelines to streamline the BCM program. The analysis quantifies and discusses the contribution of the studies on each BCM component to design a framework supported by metrics, that allows assessing the organization’s preparedness in each BCM component, focusing on Information Systems and ICT strategies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Society 5.0 in the integration of applications for sustainability – ICT as a reinforcement of social partnerships

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    Society 5.0 aims to promote the development of solutions based on Information and Communication Technologies to enhance human well-being. In this way, Information and Communication Technologies can assertively contribute to the resolution of social problems. The paper aims to present the integration of applications in the social sphere aimed at different contexts. The methodology adopted was Design Science Research incorporating sustainability factors. The main results focus on the interconnection of different technological solutions aimed at the well-being of people, reinforcing partnerships between institutions. The solutions presented include concerns in the field of Sustainable Development Goals and the dimensions of sustainability, namely about human, technical, environmental, and social sustainability

    Caça aos números : construção do pensamento-lógico matemático na educação infantil

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, 2015.O presente estudo foi realizado em uma turma de Jardim de Infância de uma escola vinculada à Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Distrito Federal. Com base nas concepções teóricas acerca do desenvolvimento infantil, suas interações, a aprendizagem dos números e a subjetividade das crianças, a pesquisa fez a análise de um plano de ação dividido em três momentos, a saber: a caça aos números, a montagem do tapete numérico e a confecção das minhocas numéricas, visando investigar os processos de construção do raciocínio lógico-matemático por crianças na Educação Infantil, mediante atividades lúdicas de interação e negociação do conhecimento numérico. Para fins de análise, considerou-se a abordagem qualitativa, a fim de que os objetivos específicos – analisar como as crianças ressignificam os seus conhecimentos prévios com base no objetivo da atividade, relacionar o processo de coconstrução da compreensão do número com o registro elaborado individualmente pela criança e identificar a qualidade da relação afetiva/subjetiva da criança diante do conhecimento numérico – fossem evidenciados. Com base na referida metodologia de análise ficou evidente que a Educação Infantil é um espaço para a participação das crianças na construção dos conhecimentos referentes à educação matemática. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis study was conducted in a kindergarten class at a school linked to the federal district education department. From the theoretical conceptions of child development, their interactions, learning numbers and the subjectivity of children. This study sought from the analysis of a split action plan in three stages: the hunt for numbers and mounting the numeric pad and the making of numerical worms, investigate the processes of construction of logical and mathematical thinking by children in kindergarten, through play activities for interaction and negotiation of numeracy. To analysis purposes, it considered the qualitative approach to that specific objectives: To analyze how children resignify their prior knowledge based on the objective of the activity to relate the co-construction process of understanding the numbers withthe registry individually prepared Identifying the child and the quality of emotional relationship/subjective child before the numeracy were highlighted. Based on this analysis methodology in the theoretical framework became clear that early childhood education is a space for children's participation in the construction of knowledge related to mathematics